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Join The DAACI Open Beta Community

Do you want to help shape the future of music AI tools? Join the band! Have your say in how music and AI can work for you and be part of the next generation of music tech. The DAACI Open Beta Community gives you access to our team and hands on our tools ahead of the crowd…

Early access to beta licence keys ahead of full product releases

Access to all betas included

Discounts on full product licences

Full technical support and knowledge base

Be at the centre of DAACI’s development process

Sneak peeks at upcoming products in the DAACI Natural Series

Now available for beta users: Natural Drums

Structural Variation



Invest in the future of music. Invest in yourself.

DAACI will take you into the next age of music

composition and editing

with its series of creative tools.

Composers & Producers

Your co-pilot in the creative process, complementing your skills & scaling your production, so you can produce more.

Content Creation

Making it easier to adapt & compose music, so you can create the perfect soundtrack for your content.

Music Sync

Fast and user-friendly solutions for delivering bespoke music to meet any creative brief. Realise the potential of any track.

Gaming & Virtual Worlds

Enriching the user experience with real-time composition & music that responds to virtual worlds. 

From how we discover and edit music through to composing and production, we are making tools that go far beyond the status quo to make music that is both dynamic and responsive, creating a whole new world of possibilities.

Generative & Adaptive Tech, Unlike Any Other Solution In The AI Music Market.

Our pioneering generative tech redefines traditional workflows by encoding composers’ musical ideas, allowing our AI to dynamically compose in real time without relying on pre-recorded tracks or edited audio samples.

And to adapt tracks that already exist, the powerful combination of our patented discovery tool and track editor lets creators and professionals intelligently search vast libraries and instantly adapt their chosen track to fit any brief.

We Understand The Building Blocks Of Music.

The orchestra of minds behind DAACI are composers and musicians who believe that human input is central to music creation, putting the creative process and the rights of artists at the forefront of all we do.

Through our in-depth, expert knowledge of musicology and the industry landscape we have the perfect background to create truly transformative tools.

Built On More Than

30 Years Of Research.

DAACI incorporates a growing portfolio of 75 granted patents in core editing, onset detection, emotional perception and generative AI. Supported by partnership with the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music at Queen Mary University of London, DAACI’s adaptive and generative technologies are poised to shape the future of music and AI.

Coming Soon…

In the coming months we’ll begin revealing elements of our groundbreaking AI system. It all starts with DAACI Edits, a simple yet powerful tool that allows anyone to edit tracks for sync. And this is just the first in a series of B2B and B2C launches that will allow music makers, creators and professionals to integrate DAACI tools into their workflow.

Get in touch to hear about our upcoming releases, or join the mailing list to be kept up to date with all of our latest news.

We can’t wait to see what you will create with DAACI!

News & Press

DAACI Announces Partnership with Dubai Based BKP Group

DAACI Announces Partnership with Dubai Based BKP Group

DAACI announces partnership with Dubai based BKP Group Latest News April 9, 2024 DAACI has partnered with Dubai based world-class audio, video, event and media production company, BKP Group. BKP is a world-class production company who specialise in full service audio...

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DAACI Presents to UK Parliament on AI in Music

DAACI Presents to UK Parliament on AI in Music

DAACI Presents to UK Parliament on AI in Music Latest News March 27, 2024DAACI presented the latest AI in Music technology for a cross section of all-party MPs and Lords at UK Parliament this week, in a roundtable event hosted by UK Music and the All-Party...

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